Thursday, January 7, 2021

How to Make a Matcha Tea face scrub, recipe

Matcha Tea Facial Cleansing Scrub Recipe
Matcha, superfood for the skin.
Matcha is a super fine ground green Japanese powdered tea.  In Japan, the bushes are shaded for about 20 days before the harvest. This reduced light forces the plant to make a higher concentration of chlorophyll, producing darker green leaves that are chopped, and ground into a fine powder.  Excellent for drinking and excellent for natural skin care. 
It is the chlorophyll that makes matcha perfect to detox your skin! Antioxidant rich matcha cleanses the skin of toxins that age us prematurely. 

 Used topically, the high concentration of chlorophyll in Matcha makes it a 
super food for the skin ... 

* Optional: for a gentle exfoliation, grind up some chamomile
                   and add to your mask. Apply in a circular motion, this
                   stimulates blood flow and gives you a healthy glow.
* soothing     * healing
* tightens skin    *evens out skin tone
* fights excess oil production without drying skin
* helps under eye puffiness, and dark circles 


chamomile tea

For a gentle exfoliation, 
grind up some chamomile and add to your mask.

Smooth over skin on face and back of hands.
Allow to dry, rinse off. Pat dry.
Gentle enough to use every day.

Monday, September 11, 2017

How to use fresh avocado in homemade soap free recipe

Fresh Avocado in Homemade Soap
using the hot process method with recipe

The avocado is high in mono-unsaturated fats (good fats), and is able to absorb deeper into the skin.
These healthy fats help you to maintain the moisture level in your skin. Fresh avocado in homemade soap softens, hydrates and nourishes skin.

In light of the number of unhealthy ingredients in skin care products, a natural avocado homemade soap is a great addition to your skin care regime. This soap feels absolutely great on the skin. I have found it to help folks with skin problems like psoriasis and eczema by keeping skin hydrated, not stripping natural oils. 
These are my observations, not a medical statement.

Note: this recipe intended for those with prior knowledge of soap making and understanding of safety issues of working with lye.
Lye is caustic and dangerous, strict safety rules must be used.

Recipe for Avocado soap, using 40 ounces of oil
This is superfatted to 6%, and will give 
you a hard, moisturizing bar.

12 oz   Olive oil
12 oz   Coconut oil
12 oz   Palm oil
  4 oz   Avocado oil

15.2 oz   Water
  5.6 oz   Lye

1.25 oz to 2 oz fragrance oil, strength depends on fragrance 

Start with a half of a ripe avocado.

LEFT: Put 1/2 avocado into blender with 1 cup of water.

RIGHT: Blend until smooth. 
No lumps at all. You cannot put chunks of avocado into your soap! It must be completely smooth.

 Freeze pureed avocado.

When you are ready to make soap, take out avocado cubes. 

Measure your water and avocado.  I use no more than 3 oz of avocado in this recipe.
Your avocado is part of your water amount. So in this recipe the water amount is 15.2 oz, 
that means your water with avocado cubes added is 15.2 oz total.

Note: Using too much avocado in recipe will soften your soap. Stick to 3 oz or less. 
Store your left over avocado cubes in freezer for future soap.

Pour your lye crystals right into your water/avocado and stir until lye is dissolved.

Your oils/butters should already be melted in your crock pot on low.
Strain lye water into your oils if you think you did not get all your avocado smooth, no chunks.

   Stick blend as normal. 

(optional) :  Add fragrance or essential oil and stir well. 

Put into mold and allow to sit overnight.
You will get the most amazing, moisturizing soap! Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

How to Make Overnight Oats

Popular and super healthy.
 Overnight Oats 
Overnight oats are gaining popularity right now. Super easy to make and super healthy.
You just mix together the ingredients in a mason jar or any other container with a lid, put in the frig overnight ... and in the morning you have a fresh, great tasting breakfast. The oats soak up the moisture from the yogurt, milk etc and soften up just as if you cooked them. This meal is meant to be eaten cold, straight from the frig, and it is delicious!  Here's how ...


Eat it at home, or grab your jar and take it with you.
Absolutely delicious. Kid's love their breakfast in a jar too!

Here's How ...

  • Put 1/2 cup of oatmeal in a 16 oz canning jar.
  • Add 1 cup of milk. (cows, soy, coconut, almond, your choice)
  • Add fruit,(your choice). Here I added fresh strawberries and fresh blueberries.
  • Cover and place in frig over night.
  • Take out in the morning and enjoy breakfast!

Other additions you may like:
    bananas                                peanut butter
     nuts                                     yogurt
     pineapple                            maple syrup
     coconut                               vanilla
     cinnamon, turmeric             cocoa powder
     honey                                   chia seeds,  flax

The additions and combinations are countless, choose your favorites and design your own overnight oats.

 Here's Why ...
Oats are an important source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants as well as a rich source of a fiber called beta glucan ...

"Italian researchers  reviewed existing research about the positive effects of beta glucan on human health. They found that, in addition to reducing cholesterol and blunting glycemic and insulin response, beta glucans boost defenses of the immune system against bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites." Minerva Medica June 2009; 100(3):237-45

Enjoy!  .... Anna

Monday, January 30, 2017

Sea Kelp Face Mask Recipe, the Ocean's superfood for the skin

Sea Kelp is about as nutrient rich as you can get. 
The ocean's superfood for the skin is seaweed and hands down, 
it is the densest nutrient superpower on the planet.
 Here's how to make the most of this mineral rich 
sea plant for your skin.
Our recipe for a super charged:

  • anti-aging, 
  • skin revitalizing
  • nourishing  
  • natural beauty aid
  • skin healing, repairing
  • de-toxifying   .......................... face mask for all skin types           


4 oz   100% aloe vera gel
2 oz   Kaolin clay
0.5 oz  milk powder  (goats milk or cow, full fat if you can get it)
0.5 oz  sea kelp powder

1) Make sure all your utensils and bowl are clean and sterilized. This is to keep any stray bacteria nasties from getting in your mask

2) Place all dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Blend well with a hand mixer or stand mixer.
3)  Add in aloe vera gel and mix well.

If mask is too dry to spread smoothly on skin, add more aloe.

I make this in small batches as it does not contain a preservative. You can keep in frig, but I
recommend using it up within one week.


This mineral rich, antioxidant powerhouse mask ...
 will leave your skin:
  •  de-toxed 
  •  soft 
  • smooth
  • glowing
  • younger looking


For more great recipes check out
my FaceBook page!

shared with Clever Chicks blog hop

Friday, January 20, 2017

DIY How to make a daily face cleanser

All natural facial cleanser, gentle enough for everyday!
This is so easy, you may be tempted to dismiss it, but .... trust me.... TRY THIS !

Base Recipe:
2 Tablespoons baking soda
1 Tablespoon water

Smooth over skin in a circular motion to remove dead, dry skin cells that dull your complexion, and clog pores. Rinse with warm water, splash with cool water, pat dry. Follow up with your favorite moisturizer or a few drops of natural oils (that's what I do) such as olive oil, sunflower oil, grapeseed oil, jojoba oil etc. I also use hyaluronnic acid.

Not everyone's skin is the same, if you experience irritation you just may need to add more water to your mix. It's important to moisturize after using this as well.

"WHA LAH!" or as the French say "Voila" which means "see there!"

.... this gentle exfoliating scrub reveals new skin cells, giving you a glowing, younger complexion. 

Now for some fun...
To kick this up a notch, add some great natural ingredients from your pantry....
  • For an antioxidant punch add 1/2 teaspoon of powdered matcha tea  

                              Blend matcha into baking soda and water.

    Mix until you get this super creamy texture, doesn't take long.

TIP: I recommend following up with a natural moisturizer, or you can simply add some oil to your cleanser. Be sure and use an oil that won't clog pores such as :

  • argan
  • hemp 
  • sunflower 
  • sea buckthorn,
  • apricot
  • sweet almond 
  • grapeseed
  • jojoba
  • peach kernal
  • tamanu
  • olive

 Other great Ingredients you can add to personalize your daily cleanser:

  • a few drops of your favorite oil to moisturize 
  • a few drops of lavender essential oil to soothe skin
  • a few drops of tea tree essential oil for troubled skin
  • colloidal oatmeal, or finely ground oatmeal to soothe
  • warmed honey, antioxidant rich, moisturizing, nourishing
  • powdered milk to soothe, nourish, gently exfoliate
  • vitamin E

Enjoy natural skin care you can make at home!

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Head on over to my YouTube channel, and Face Book for more!


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